Thursday, 24 January 2008

Getting ready to start the Cert Ed group off blogging on Saturday. I don't think any of them have used one before, I may on the other hand be wrong. The idea is to get them to use it initially for reflective practice for the duration of this module and then hopefully to get them to introduce blogs to their own students (who again may already use them). This is another update of the existing module as the tools we use change each time it runs . It's exciting that the technology is developing so quickly. The assignment criteria the blogs relate to is to evaluate the use of 3 communication tools they have used with their students. 5 years ago we were looking at email, discussion groups and Netmeeting. Now - Well it's blogging, twittering and facebook perhaps. I must admit it's not something I am entirely comfortable with yet but as always I give it a go....... I'm apprehensive about keeping it updated and it not becoming static which will be a real challenge for me. Well, let's suck it and see as they say.......... I'll keep you posted how it goes.


Martin King said...

Using new methods in a class of teachers who then "cascade" to their students is so important.

I wil be following your blog with interest - maybe you can blog your findings.

Remember that this is experimental sosome things won't work.

I think the bloggign idea should work though - it's a great communications tool - allowing learners to comment on other learners AND even the teachers blog.

Good work

Anonymous said...

I think it would be a good idea to get a blog introduced between students and lecturers - it could be useful as a newsletter. However, having the available time may be a problem

Anonymous said...

Not sure about the hat...

Anonymous said...
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wendypeskett said...

Response to anonymous 26/01/08.
If you would like help trialling this or just to have a chat to discuss how much time it takes. Please contact me (by email) if you prefer.

Attia said...

I think it is a great idea, I am in the process of creating a blog for my tutor group, very few of them have used blogs before, I think it will be great fun for all of us. We must try new ways in delivering our lessons and keep our students interested