Monday, 24 November 2008

CPD record keeping & REfLECT

When creating your CPD records, please be aware that the records need to be more than a list containing the date, title of activity, description and length of time accounted for.

To help you improve your CPD record keeping, to meet ifl requirements, I have listed below the main features that REfLECT asks you to record within its CPD record assets.

The subheadings below (in bold) are the type of asset you might record. The bullet points are the headings that you should be keeping records of.


  • Reasons for undertaking the activity
  • Knowledge / skills gained
  • What was the impact of the activity?
  • Reflection on activity


  • Attendees
  • Outcomes – You are asked to describe what was decided and what outcomes resulted or what actions were set. Or you can add links to meeting notes.
  • Supporting resources - to help you achieve the outcomes set: books, journals, web links, people, training courses, electronic resources.
  • Reflection

Ability or Achievement

  • Evidence
  • Reflection


  • Activities – List the activities which formed part of the role.
  • Evidence
  • Reflection

Here’s a link to the full IFL CPD guidelines

The ILT trainers will be running sessions on REfLECT throughout the year. The next one is on Thursday 27th November

What else are we doing to help?
-The ILT Trainers are listing the Learning Outcomes for each session they deliver (on the information page when you book a session - Training Area of Intranet). You can copy and paste these into your CPD record (and edit them if you need to) to save you time.

Please comment below if you have found this useful.......

Monday, 3 November 2008

Creating screen tips in PowerPoint or Word - Accessibility

Have you ever heard the saying "A picture is worth a thousand words"? It's very true most learners will really benefit from visual resources, but there are some learners who have visual problems; these problems will vary and include; colour blindness, macular degeneration, cataracts and full loss of sight. These learners may have issues with getting information from visual media and the use of text will play an important part for them.

In any image there will be a wealth of information, and teachers will be expecting students to look at key parts of it. Usually this is done by using a key with letters or labels on the image which link to headings or notes on a different part of the diagram, or by using arrows and marginal comments. These methods disadvantage some learners. People who find it hard to track print get lost moving between the image and the explanation. Learners with motor difficulties cannot easily scroll from one part of the document to another, and those using a screen magnifier can get completely lost.
Learners may therefore benefit from screen tips over hotspots. As the learner’s mouse point hovers over a hot spot, the information appears in a pop-up window. As learners move on, the information disappears, so they are not confused by masses of print.

So what is a Screen Tip I hear you asking - It is a part of a picture that you have selected and labelled which displays the text when you roll the mouse over it.

Activity 1 - See what a screen tip is
1. Download the PowerPoint presentation Creating screen tips.
2. Now open the document and use F5 to view it as a slide show.
3. Roll your cursor over the shed door. Did you see the screen tip appear?

Activity 2 - Create your own screen tips
1. Open the PowerPoint presentation in Normal View.
2. Open word document Screen tips tutorial and use it to create the following hotspots:
  • "There are three steps to the lower garden"
  • "Keep children away from hot barbecues"
  • "Ponds should have grills over them to prevent children falling in"
  • "The sprinkler hose is a trip hazard"

Adapted from the NIACE E-Guides Training Materials 2008